A downloadable game for Windows

A country manor, a murder, it's been done before. You, esteemed detective, have been summoned to the scene of this heinous crime, to produce an account of all present and correct. The task is thus: for each suspect you meet, these ladies and gentlemen of better stock, deduce or otherwise determine their forename, surname, nobility, and the domain over which they preside.

Bad Bohemians is a logic puzzler, in the style of Return of the Obra Dinn and the Golden Idol series. Its puzzles, however, are entirely procedural; if their narratives are only nascent, their pacing pale in comparison to other, better, games, understand they have been generated without an author's oversight.

These puzzles can be solved. Make no mistake, this is only a demo. As collaborators go, my generator is frankly Gonzo, working, manic, in fits and starts, running on fumes and rarely on time. If the loading screen gets stuck too long, use Esc to return to the menu, or R to restart it with fresh inspiration. This can also be done during the puzzles themselves.

I cannot guarantee the generator will write quickly, or at all. What I can guarentee is any puzzle generated will have a single, consistent solution. No guesswork will be necessary, but the following context is indispensable. Suspects are not privy to one another's testimony, and are sharing their own in confidence. They might seize the opportunity to mislead you, but they aren't stupid enough to lie about anything a detective could easily check. You can reasonably assume each forename, surname, and domain appears exactly once - unless the puzzle gives you reason to believe otherwise...

The rest is up to you. Each character will give you their eyewitness account of the evening, and each account will have several blank slots attached. To play, use Q and E to cycle through the suspects, cross-referencing clues to discern their identities. Once you have something - a hint, a fact, a hunch - left click a slot to open its dropdown and select an option, or right click to rule it out. You can also right click to deselect an option hitherto pencilled it.

Once all characters are correctly identified (that is, paired with the right forename, surname, nobility, and domain), the game will end. Likewise, once all but three, or all but six, or all but nine, etc., are correct, they will be confirmed a la Obra Dinn; the more identities you lock in, the fewer left to think about.

W and S will open and close your pinboard. Organise your thoughts as you see fit. Grabbing pins with the left mouse button will move them; the right is used to string together - or sever - connections. When holding right, scroll your mouse wheel to change your colour of yarn. Left or right click question marks to increment or decrement them, should you wish to keep any tallies. Good luck, detective.

Published 1 day ago
AuthorSam Drysdale


Bad Bohemians-1.0.2.zip 26 MB

Install instructions

In a classic programmer move, I've not included any sound in this demo. Once you've downloaded the .zip and run its .exe, Bad Bohemians is best paired with an album of your choice. I'd personally recommend Nobody Wants to Be Here & Nobody Wants to Leave, The Twilight Sad got me through a lot of late-night coding sessions on this one.

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